We hope you fill find the following answers to our Frequently Asked Questions helpful. We also suggest joining our Facebook Fan Group where you will find help from hundreds of our fans in addition to our “Staph” and post your own questions there.



Tickets are available for purchase online. Tickets are limited and may not be available for purchase at the door.



If you have lost your ticket(s) or confirmation email you may always retrieve them by visiting the links that we will provide below once tickets go on sale:  

For Convention Tickets:  Link Available Soon

For Photo Op Tickets:  Link Available Soon

Not unless you feel like it or are one of the dozen people in the country still using a flip phone. If the email with the QR code is on your phone, we can scan it from that. If it is easier for you to find it, feel free to screen shot the QR code. As long as we can see it, we are good to go.

Funny story. The human based staff inside the venue cannot tell a REAL ticket QR code from a fake, copied, or already used one. The QR code is scanned when you arrive and then you are given a lanyard and/or wristband that allows us to easily see that you in fact showed up with a legitimate ticket.

Day passes do NOT always sell out, but admission is left up to the Fire Marshall and not us. Weekend passes can and do sell out. Our VIP passes are sold in very limited numbers and always sell out (usually months) before the expo dates. Special event passes easily sell out since we keep the numbers on sale low to add value to the experience.

  • Check your spam folder.
  • Wait a few hours then check it again.
  • If they are still not there, contact us via email or via Facebook Messenger with your name, the date the tickets were purchase, and the email address you used.
  • At that  time we will ask you to check your spam folder.
  • Our experience is that 99% of the time when ticket emails get lost they land in spam folders.
  • That being said…sometimes things do go wrong. We will gladly resend the ticket email…probably straight to your spam folder.

This suddenly became a thing in 2022. Sometimes people click the wrong ticket link. Sometimes schedules change. Regardless, this is something you can do yourself: Our ticketing platform does allow this. Just email info@thescarefest.com for instructions.


In general, the answer is “no”. We hate to be mean, but we try to make it very clear that all ticket sales are final. You are welcome to resell your tickets, give them to a friend, or even exchange them for a different day (see above), but our policy is pretty much standard for fan conventions. Our new ticketing platform offers “insurance” so you CAN get a refund if you are unable to attend for any number of reason.


Tickets are limited and may not be available for purchase at the door.

We recommend purchasing your tickets as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

No, wristbands are intended to be used by one person. Once they are attached they have to be cut or broken to remove and cannot be reused. Anyone caught sharing wristbands will be asked to leave and banned from future events.

Yes, you can change the name on the ticket in your TICKETSPICE dashboard OR IF YOU NEED FURTHER ASSISTANCE YOU CAN EMAIL INFO@THESCAREFEST.COM.



You can “swap” or “upgrade” your ticket for a different day in your TICKETSPICE dashboard (accessible from the original order confirmation email). However, you will not be able to upgrade or swap for any sold out tickets.

You will pick up your tickets in the Central Bank Center at WILL CALL (see our SCHEDULE page for location details) the day of the show. Please have your QR code downloaded and ready for our team to scan in order to claim your passes.

Will call has extended hours starting Wednesday the week of the convention.   Yes, anyone wanting to come pick up tickets early may do so and the schedule will be posted.  You are able to pick up multiple passes, when you come to the convention you would go straight thru re-entry to the con floor.   We suggest you get tickets early because the check in lines will have wait times.  

In 2024 our ticket scanning system experienced problems and there were internet connection issues.   We have adjusted those systems, updated equipment and we will be doubling the number of ticket check ins at the show.   We will also be extending the will call/box office hours for check ins.   Additional details will be provided on the event schedule and numerous other places.  As of right now we can confirm we will be adding Wednesday to days you can check in early and we will be extending the hours on Thursday and Friday.    

We apologize to anyone who had to stand in line last year and we are working diligently to make it as quick as possible for 2025. 

You can swap or upgrade your pass to another day by visiting your original order confirmation email. There is a link to manage your tickets in the email. Click that to exchange your pass. You may swap for tickets that are the same price or upgrade to any available passes at a higher price by paying the difference. 

All ages are permitted. Children 12 and under will be admitted FREE with an adult ticket purchase. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Children will be ticketed at will call.

ATTENTION: As this is a horror movie convention, there may be horror movie content on the convention floor, in the movie screenings, in Q&A’s and elsewhere during the event. While not a regular occurrence, violence, gore, strong language, drug references, nudity, etc. may be present in screenings, etc. Parental guidance is advised.

All passes get you access to the expo floor and all of our seminars and celebrity panels and Q&A’s. VIP level passes also gain early access to the expo floor. Some off-site or special events may not be included with your ticket. For example: Only VIP level passes get access to our VIP Party. All passes will get you into our film festival screenings. Please watch individual event website postings for clarity.

All sales of tickets and other merchandise are final. Tickets and merchandise are non-refundable for any reason.



We don’t always get this posted prominently on the website, but since it hasn’t changed in the last fifteen years we thought we would be safe to include it here: 

  • Friday
    3PM VIP/Black Carpet
    4PM General Admission
    9PM Convention floor closes
  • Saturday
    10AM VIP Admission
    11AM General Admission
    8PM Convention Floor Closes
  • Sunday
    10AM VIP Admission
    11AM General Admission
    5PM Convention Floor Closes

Yes! We do our best to maintain a family friendly atmosphere on the convention floor. We even devote Sunday to sponsoring activities to entertain the kids. That being said: We cannot guarantee that none of our vendors will have items that someone might find objectionable and some of the cosplay can get a bit risque. Treat us like you would a PG movie.

Sometimes specific seminars will have age limits left to the discretion of the presenter.

Yes, it has been our longstanding policy that kids twelve years of age and under get floor admission absolutely free – no pass required. This does not apply to any paid events outside of general admission. 


The convention center is handicapped accessible and we make every effort to keep our aisles wide to assist in traffic flow. As far as celebrity lines, that is usually left up to the celebrity, but we suggest that you bring your particular limitations to the attention of one of our security or staph members so that any help can be rendered. We have no control over the accessibility of off-site events but will try to forward information regarding this as it is available.

Neither the convention center nor we have had mobility devices at our disposal for rent or loan in the past. However, starting in 2024 we have partnered with Mobility Plus to bring you scooters, powerchairs, and manual wheelchairs for rent. Please contact them in advance with your needs at (859)-523-0993. 

The short answer…EVERYWHERE! The newly renovated Lexington Center has a catering company that will offer a variety of food and drink kiosks right there both on the convention floor with even more choices just a short ride down one level on the escalator. We have also arrange food trucks on the Vine Street side when we can.

In the event that “concession stand” food (the kiosks really do have many good options) is not up to your standards, we strongly encourage you to walk across the street to LexLive’s Game Day Sports Bar and check out their offerings. And if you want even more variety: it is the 21st century: Walk outside and Google “restaurants near me” on your phone. Many great choices are within a short walk.

But… and we cannot stress this enough… when you eat at ANY Lexington restaurant be sure to mention that you are in town for The Scarefest Horror and Paranormal Convention.

Absolutely! We bring in some the most talented and reputable tattoo artists in the region for The Scarefest. Their booths are carefully and constantly monitored and inspected for cleanliness and health code adherence.


ATMs and cash availability have always been a problem for us, especially since so many celebrities and even some vendors do not accept credit cards. The Center recently added ATMs which will be located around the floor and pre-function areas. The information booths should be able to guide you to them. We hope this helps. 


Most do nowadays, but some don’t. That is totally up to the individual vendors. Center provided services such as concessions and parking no longer accept cash to add to the confusion.

It’s always a good idea to have extra cash on hand lest that special item eludes you.

Oddly no. The Central Bank Center has a NO CASH policy. While we thinks this is a wildly bad policy – it is what it is. The concessions, parking, and anything else that they control requires using a credit card. 

That’s a good question and we are darned happy you asked! Lexington KY is not known for it’s availability of visible parking spaces. It’s not that they aren’t there – they just aren’t really marked all that well. In reality there are over 10,000 parking spaces within easy walking distance of the convention center. Eventually the reconstruction of the center will include a convenient parking garage next door. Until that is finished everyone’s first choice is the High Street lot in front of Rupp Arena and the convention center. But since that can get filled up during peak times here are some resources that should help.

Central Bank Center’s Parking Map


Welcome to the big city. Yes, most of the downtown public parking has a charge. The convention center parking lot is run by an independent contractor and we have no say in what they charge. 


While our staph is loaded with animal lovers and even some farmers, please understand that a convention hall loaded with thousands of visitors is not the best place for your pet. Most pets are not really into the convention scene anyway. Plus we often have a charity come in that brings a wolf with it and…well you get the picture.


YES.  Please remember that bags may be searched at anytime by Security, Police, and/or Staff. Refusal to comply will result in ejection from the venue with no refund or credit.  Our full policy on what is allowed and not allowed can be found here:  

ScareFest Safety Policies

Our full safety policy is available for review by clicking HERE.

Photo Ops provides fans with the chance to take a photo with their favorite celebrity in a fast-paced environment designed to accommodate as many fans as possible. For more information about Photo Ops, you can visit the link provided on the website once Photo Op Sales Go Live.

We recommend arriving early.

  1. Please allow additional time for parking.
  2. Traffic – Remember, there are lots of other people attending this event and traffic can be heavy as you get close to the convention center. Depart early to ensure that you arrive on time.
  3. Add additional time to your travel to allow for picking up your tickets. All pre-ordered passes must be picked up at Will Call.

We understand that many people have issues with crowds and certain environments and need accommodation.   If you need assistance with an accommodation then contact info@thescarefest.com and we will assist.   


As soon as we can get them ready. We usually try to get a good portion of our celebrities announced before we start selling photo ops. This is mostly to save labor. Also we understand that people have limited budgets and might have to make a choice between celebrity A or celebrity B. We think it is better if you know about B before you purchase A.

ALSO group and reunion photo ops (those with more than one celebrity) often change as guests are added. Every time we add a celebrity the photographer has to refund that group’s photo ops that have been purchased up until that point, so that everyone can pay the new higher price (more celebrities means more celebrities expect to be paid). 



We usually cannot post the photo op schedule until two to four weeks before the show. This is because the photo ops schedule has a lot of variables to take into account including flight times, celebrity panel schedules, and even the preferences of the celebrities  themselves. Finally, it is VERY hard to put together until we are finished announcing celebrities, and we are famous for adding guests at the “eleventh hour”.


Each celebrity banner on the event page’s Guest Page is clickable. This will bring you to the Celeb’s landing page where pricing is available. Please note that pricing is subject to change at the event and will be listed at the Celeb’s table.  

Scarefest does not always receive price information from celebrities.  This is not up to us and so our most frequent question is one we can’t usually answer unless the celebrity’s team has provided it to us!

Most will run between $20 and $100 but we have found that many of our guests may not set their price until they get to the event. While we try to collect and post this information ahead of time, it is sometimes “wildly inaccurate” and you can guess who gets blamed.

HOWEVER…If you will search about a specific celebrity in our Facebook Group, many fans will have some guidance from experience, so you will know what to expect.  These may be prices they have seen at other shows and we cannot say if these will be the prices at ScareFest, but generally it’s pretty close. 


Most Celebs do! The information will be listed on their pricing page if they have communicated to ScareFest they do.  This information will be available by going to the guest page and clicking on their banners.  If it says PRO PHOTO OP ONLY then they are not allowing selfies at their table and you should not ask. If their banner does not say PRO PHOTO OP ONLY and you do not see a Selfie option available online, you are able to ask the Celeb at their booth. All Celebrity Experiences are at the discretion of the Celeb.

The following applies to walking by and snapping pictures or taking pictures of celebs without purchasing a selfie at their table or without their permission.  All photos and videos of the celebrities require their permission and participation, so if you are getting an autograph and purchase a selfie or a star otherwise agrees to a picture that is at their discretion and is totally ok. Otherwise, even authorized media (those with a Media Pass and our own Staph photographers) must first obtain permission from Star’s Row Security before taking pictures and filming.

If you are caught photographing on Stars Row without permission, you could be asked to stop doing so and depending on the celebrity you could be asked to delete the image/video.  

Use common sense, most folks don’t like their photos and video being taken without permission, be respectful of guests please. 

Don’t count on it. While some may, it is still not common practice. You’d be surprised how many people will go home and file a “charge back” to beat a guest out of their money.


It varies. Celebrities are generally expected to be at their booth during the expo hours while they are in town (less breaks and meals of course). Most will make their way onto the floor during the VIP early admission period.

Sometimes flight scheduling requires that they arrive a little late on Friday or leave a little early on Sunday. We try to announce this information as it becomes available. Some celebrities, by contract, will only appear on the expo floor during set times. This information will be clearly posted on the website and announced as it becomes available.

If a celebrity, due to other obligations, is not scheduled to appear all weekend we will post this information as clearly as possible on our website. Watch our website and social media posts for updates as this information can change as the date approaches.

Also keep in mind that sometimes circumstances are out of our control. We can never absolutely guarantee appearance times.

Maybe not, but you really should. Stars attend conventions such as ours as “part of their job”. For some, conventions sales are a major source of their income. While there may be opportunities through the course of the weekend to converse with them, if you approach them at their booth they are “on the clock”. Good manners dictate that you never hold up a star’s line if you are not at their table to purchase something. Most of our celebrities over the years have been more than happy to spend generous amounts of time talking to their fans. But one should not abuse that generosity.

The parties and events are another story. Many of our celebrities will attend the VIP party and usually a few make an appearance or two at other events through the course of the weekend. Those that do are there to interact with their fans. But remember, the parties and events are not photo ops! Always ask if it’s OK to take a picture with them. Heck, if they like you they may offer!

We can’t tell you until the contract is signed. Period. As soon as a celebrity is officially booked, we announce them on the following Friday night via Scarefest Television and post about it on our social media. We do NOT announce celebrities on verbal commitments. We even have to be careful about letting staph members know who we are in negotiations with because it invariably gets into the public as “I know something you don’t know”. 


Our annual game plan is to announce a few (usually between 2 and 6) celebrities leading up to the holiday season following the expo to spur Christmas sales. Then we take a step back and really look at what direction we want to take the lineup and start contacting agents the first of the year.

As contracts are finalized (usually a 30-60 day process) we start announcing our lineup for the coming year. Because we have to allow so much time for the celebrities to check their schedules for such things as other appearances, filming schedules, and even family events we usually start seeing the results in March and April and then on into early summer. Once we have a good idea who is not going to be able to appear from that initial round of contacts, we then reach out again on a smaller, more focused scale to fill in our lineup. This is why we are more often than not announcing celebrities right up to the week of the convention.

Unless our announcements and announcement banners say otherwise, all celebrities are expected to be on hand all three days. Schedules change of course. Sometimes a filming schedule might change and they have to cancel Friday or decide they need to fly out Sunday to meet other obligations after we book them. When a celebrity’s schedule changes we do our best via updated website banners and announcements via our social media accounts.

And of course sometimes due to flight delays they arrive late on Friday or decide they need to leave early Sunday to make it through airport security in time to catch a flight. Such schedule adjustments will be announced over the public address system at the expo.S


There’s probably nothing we can do about it. If a guest cancels early enough, we will try to replace them with someone of similar stature. This sounds easy until you remember that most celebrity contracts take a month or more to get finalized. If they cancel close to the expo date we have very few options.

We hate it as much as you do! How can we say that? Because we hate disappointing our fans… and we buy non-refundable plane tickets. In the end though, ask any seasoned convention goer and they will tell you never to attend any convention based only on the appearance of any single celebrity. All conventions experience cancellations and we have been blessed to have relatively few over the years. There is a lot of life going on out there in the real world.

Each celebrity banner on the event page’s Guest Page is clickable. This will bring you to the Celeb’s landing page where pricing is available. Please note that pricing is subject to change at the event and will be listed at the Celeb’s table.  

Scarefest does not always receive price information from celebrities.  This is not up to us.   

Yes! You are able to bring in items for signing. Pricing will vary depending on the item. All item signings are at the discretion of the Celeb. See our Safety Policies FAQ for acceptable items and guidelines by clicking HERE.

Most Celebs do! The information will be listed on their pricing page. If you do not see a Selfie option available, you are able to ask the Celeb at their booth. All Celebrity Experiences are at the discretion of the Celeb.

VIP pass holders receive a certain amount of line skip passes.   These line skips are able to be used on nearly all celebrities however there are exceptions.  Celebrities that have special line systems or ones that are in especially high demand may not be eligible for line skip.  

Any guests not accepting line skip passes will be communicated clearly on the guest page by clicking their announcement banner once we get closer to the event.  

If you are unsure if a celebrity is accepting a line skip then just ask one of our staff managing the line before walking up to the celebrity table directly.

Buying a ticket to ScareFest does not guarantee that you will meet a particular guest. Tickets are for admission to the event only and do not include autographs, photo ops, or certain special events with guests. Panels are free for ticket holders unless it is clearly noted
as a ticketed event. While we hope everyone gets to meet the guests they want, at times demand for some guests may be particularly
high and it may not be possible for a guest to meet every person. VIP passholders will receive priority line placement as available. Professional Photo Ops purchased for high demand guests are guaranteed unless the guest is not able to attend. If anyone purchases a professional photo op with a guest that is unable to attend for whatever reason, those are automatically refundable, however admission
tickets are NOT REFUNDABLE.


In theory, it is technically possible to meet every celebrity in attendance at an event in a single day. However, achieving this feat would be extremely challenging.


For each ticket purchased you may have two adults and up to three children under 16 in the photo. If you would like to have more than two adults, additional ticket purchases will be required. I.E. If you would like 3-4 adults, 2 total photo op tickets must be purchased and used for that photo.

Seats for all panels and screenings are limited and buying a ticket to the convention does not guarantee seating. VIP ticket holders will have first access to seating.

Panels and screenings are usually not full and have plenty of empty seats. However, some may be very popular and fill up very quickly.

We reserve the right to clear the room prior to any screening or panel to make sure that attendees waiting in line are able to be seated. Please do not sit in on a panel prior to the one you really want to see to try and hold a seat(s). Plan your attendance accordingly.

Celeb Photo Ops FAQ

A photo op is essentially a photo taken with you and the celebrity guest or guests you have purchased a ticket for. The photo is taken under ideal lighting conditions and with a top of the line DSLR camera. We then print a high quality 8×10″ of the photo on professional dye-sublimation photo printers. Your photo is ready in around a minute after the photo has been taken with our “print it in a minute” technology.
To avoid confusion, a photo op is not a meet and greet. The process is very quick without time to converse with the guest or guests. It is a photo opportunity in the literal sense of the word. If you really would like a little time to converse with a celebrity guest, we would strongly suggest you opt for a autograph as typically the autograph is a somewhat slower moving process.
Please understand that a photo op is not a meet and greet, it is a rapidly moving process. It is important you listen for prompts from the line attendants and the photographer to ensure you get the best photo possible.
Photo op tickets are added as guests and pricing is confirmed with agencies and event promoters. This means that we will add tickets throughout the online sales process.  Ticket prices are subject to change at any time, however if you have already purchased a photo op ticket for a specific guest’s solo photo and their price is increased, your ticket is still valid. In the case of guests being added to a cast or grouping and the price changing on the cast or grouping, the original listed cast or grouping may be cancelled in favor of the newly listed cast or grouping. In this case, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your cast or grouping. Please see the section on swapping and upgrades for more information.
If you would like to purchase any photo op tickets at the event, the sales desk is cash only. If you would like to use a credit card, you may do so on your mobile device using the ticket purchase page. Please ensure you verify the op you are purchasing online during an event has not already passed by viewing the schedule.
You may print the QR code for the tickets or have them on your phone. If you have them on your phone, please be sure you have them up and ready when you get to the front of the line.  Make sure you have the full QR code up and ready, and not the icon on your confirmation page.
You do not have to pre redeem your QR code prior to entering the line for your photo op at the scheduled time.
Remember, if you have purchased a ticket online, you have a confirmed ticket. 
The photo op schedule is posted approximately 2-4 weeks prior to the event.
You will find the photo op schedule linked at the top of this page.
Be sure to check and recheck the photo op schedule for any changes. You will know the schedule has changes if the revision number located at the top right (I.E. 1.3) of the schedule has changed.

For each ticket purchased you may have two adults and up to three children under 16 in the photo. If you would like to have more than two adults, additional ticket purchases will be required. I.E. If you would like 3-4 adults, 2 total photo op tickets must be purchased and used for that photo.

Tickets are sold on a day specific and session specific basis. Your tickets must be used on the days and for the session designated in the ticket title. Session designations (I.E> Norman Reedus Saturday Session A) means this is usable during Norman’s scheduled Session A photo op time on the day you chose the ticket for. These times will be referenced on the photo op schedule. Please try and be aware of the session you have chosen and only come at the time designated for your photo op session. If you have a Session C photo op ticket, do not show up for the Session A time, it will only slow the process, increasing wait times for everyone. If you have a Session C and are trying to queue with the Session A ticket holders, you will be removed from the queue. We also cannot swap you into another Session if that is sold out.
Session designations do not mean each guest’s Session A will be at the same time as another guest’s Session A.
The queue for a specific photo op will open no more than 30 minutes prior to the start time of the photo op. We ask that you do not arrive any earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start time of your photo op. We have designed the sessions to ensure you have the least possible wait time for your photo op and if you arrive before the 30 minute mark, it is simply adding to your wait time. You are not gaining anything by standing at the queue entrance for an hour. This causes congestion and confusion at the queue entrance, which leads to other fans to missing their photo ops, an inability for our staff to queue fans for currently open queues, and frustration for all involved. There simply is no need to arrive prior to the 30 minute mark and you will be asked to remove yourself from the area if you arrive too early. I understand this may sound harsh but we cannot stress enough the problems that arise due to fans arriving too early for a queue.
We have a television located at the entrance to the queue. On this television you will find queue open times and queue lines that are open to currently queueing photo ops. If there is a line number shown on the television, it means the queue is open for that photo op and you may simply proceed to the displayed line number within the queue area (numbers are located on the floor). If a time is shown, go enjoy the event and come back at that time.
Often times the photo op queue area will fill up entirely, please stay within your assigned line space. If you leave the lines for any reason, we cannot guarantee your place back in line. Only ticketed attendees or those in the photo with them are allowed in the queue area. Parents of underage children may wait in line with them as well. If you have special needs or are caring for a special needs fan, please speak with our line staff before entering the queue area.
Any confirmed line jumping will result in your being moved to the end of the line for that photo op.
Please arrive for your photo op 5-30 minutes prior to the photo op scheduled time, however do not arrive more than 30 minutes prior. Arriving too early for your photo op causes problems and confusion! In most cases the optimal time to arrive at the queue is 5-10 minutes before photo op start time, however do not arrive late!
Prior to entering the photo op booth, please have your photo op ticket out and ready to be scanned. Have all backpacks, purses, jackets, lanyards or any items you do not want in the photo off and ready to place in the bins, on the tables outside the booth. As you enter the booth you will need to turn in your checked in card. You will then step up when you hear the “next” prompt to do so, you will also be given a “ready” before the photographer fires the shot. There will be a one second pause between the “ready” prompt and the camera firing. So be sure to be ready.
Keep in mind, the op booth is often loud. Many of the guests enjoy to have music playing during their op, therefor our staff will also have to be loud. Please do not think that the staff is yelling at you, they are simply speaking loudly for you to be sure and hear them and understand what is going on. We want to try and get the best photo possible of you, therefor we need to be sure you hear us and know what is going on.
Do be respectful of the celebrity guests and their limitations. If a guest has specific limitations we’ve been asked to relay to you, we will tell you prior to you having your photo with them.
Do be respectful of other fans in line.
Do keep hands above the waist.
Do have your items ready to place on the tables located outside of the booth.
Do have your ticket out and ready.
Don’t ask for autographs in the photo op booth, you will be asked to remove yourself from the booth. Wait in the autograph line and pay for the autograph like all the other fans had to.
Don’t take any personal photos or video on your phone, camera or any other device while in or around the photo op booth.
Don’t attempt to kiss the guest or ask the guest to kiss you. In lieu of the health and safety of the guests, this is strictly forbidden. You will be removed from the op booth without any photo or refund.
Don’t expect the guest to spend any more time with you than they have given to other fans. Everyone is allotted the same amount of time next to the guest, please don’t try to extend that time by ignoring staff, security or the next fan in line. If you have an accessibility pass, you will be given extra time to get to the guest if needed but again allotted the same amount of time next to the guest.
Our photographers watch for blinks however, sometimes they are missed. If when you pick up your print and a blink is noticed, please let us know immediately to ensure the guest is still in the room and we will put you back in for a retake. Simply notify the staff or ambassador that handed you the photo.
Glasses more often than not will glare and/or make it very difficult for the photographer to see if you blinked. Please try to remove them if possible. If you cannot remove them please be sure to try and tilt the glasses down away from the lights. Retakes will not be given for glasses glare.
If you have a problem, other than glasses glare such as a colored blotch on your photo, a burry photo, a guest blink, or some other major issue please let us know immediately. Retakes may be issued on a per case basis.
Simply follow the brightly colored tape stripe or arrows on the floor at the photo op booth exit, they will lead you to the print pickup area where you print will be handed to you in about a minute. Once you have your print, you do not need to proceed to any more lines at the print pickup area unless you have a photo op Add-on such as a digital download, additional print or would like a hard protective sleeve. If you have an add-on ticket pre purchased or would like to purchase one, please speak to the print station attendant.
Tickets Photo op tickets are NOT an admission ticket to the event. An event admission ticket must be purchased in conjunction with the photo op ticket.
If you purchased a photo op ticket second hand, such as on facebook marketplace or any other avenue other than through us, we do not provide support or assistance for this ticket. QR codes can only be scanned once. If the person you purchased the ticket from also sold the ticket to others or it is a counterfeit ticket, you now have a useless piece of paper. We cannot offer you any assistance with this. Also, if a guest cancels, you will receive no refund, only the original purchaser will receive the refund. Over the past year we have turned away no fewer than 100 fans who spent their hard earned money on fake tickets, only to walk away empty handed. Don’t let that happen to you. Do not purchase or trade tickets second hand!
All photo op and add-on tickets are considered non-refundable, with the only exception being celebrity guest cancellation, convention cancellation or photo op cancellations. Refunds will only be returned to the original form of payment. If you use a prepaid card or gift card, be sure to keep this card in the event of a need for refund. 
In the event of a celebrity guest cancellation before the Wednesday prior to the event, the guest’s photo op tickets will be refunded to the original form of payment, there is no need to email us regarding these cancellations. Refunds for celebrity guests that cancel after midnight eastern time on the Wednesday prior to the event will be processed on the Tuesday following the event. If the guest was part of a duo photo op, the entire photo op will be refunded to the original form of payment.
If the guest was part of a trio or group, the photo op ticket may remain active and the photo op may still take place. If the trio or group remains active, you will be refunded the cancelled guest’s portion of the trio or group to the original form of payment. In this case you will also have the option to opt out of the trio or cast and receive a full refund to the original form of payment. If the trio or group is cancelled due to a guest cancellation, you will be refunded the entire amount to the original form of payment.
There is no cash refunds or exchanges for cancelled guests or photo ops. In the rare event a guest cancels while the event is open and you paid cash for the photo op at the event, you must visit our sales desk for more information on how to obtain your refund.Refunds are only be returned to the original form of payment. If you use a prepaid card or gift card, be sure to keep this card in the event of a need for refund.
In the event a specific photo op is cancelled prior to or during the event, the photo op tickets for that specific photo op will be refunded to the original form of payment. If you you paid cash for the photo op at the event, you must visit our sales desk for more information on how to obtain your refund.  Refunds will only be returned to the original form of payment. If you use a prepaid card or gift card, be sure to keep this card in the event of a need for refund
In the event of a cancellation of one day of an event due to weather or natural disasters, unused tickets for that specific day will be refunded to the original form of payment. We may choose to allow fans who had a ticket for the day that was cancelled to use their ticket on the day the even is open, however this will not always be possible and will be handled on a per case basis. If an event you are attending is closed for one day and you have tickets for that day, please be sure to watch your email used to purchase the tickets for updates.
Please keep in mind if the event is open, any ops missed are simply considered exactly that. If the weather outlook is not something you care to travel in, please be sure to get in your refund request prior to the refund deadline listed above.
Refunds will not be granted for missed photo ops. You may however exchange your photo op ticket for another available photo op ticket at photo op sales & redemption. We strongly suggest checking the photo op schedule for changes as the show date approaches and even the day of the show. We are not responsible for the length of time any photo op lasts as some photo ops only last a matter of minutes. This means if you arrive even two minutes after some photo ops start, you may miss the photo op.

General FAQs

What are your hours?

We don’t always get this posted prominently on the website, but since it hasn’t changed in the last fifteen years we thought we would be safe to include it here: 

  • Friday
    3PM VIP/Black Carpet
    4PM General Admission
    9PM Convention floor closes
  • Saturday
    10AM VIP Admission
    11AM General Admission
    8PM Convention Floor Closes
  • Sunday
    10AM VIP Admission
    11AM General Admission
    5PM Convention Floor Closes

Can kids come?

Yes! We do our best to maintain a family friendly atmosphere on the convention floor. We even devote Sunday to sponsoring activities to entertain the kids. That being said: We cannot guarantee that none of our vendors will have items that someone might find objectionable and some of the cosplay can get a bit risque. Treat us like you would a PG movie.

Sometimes specific seminars will have age limits left to the discretion of the presenter.

Do kids get in free?

Yes, it has been our longstanding policy that kids twelve years of age and under get floor admission absolutely free – no pass required. This does not apply to any paid events outside of general admission. 

The convention center is handicapped accessible and we make every effort to keep our aisles wide to assist in traffic flow. As far as celebrity lines, that is usually left up to the celebrity, but we suggest that you bring your particular limitations to the attention of one of our security or staph members so that any help can be rendered. We have no control over the accessibility of off-site events but will try to forward information regarding this as it is available.

Neither the convention center nor we have had mobility devices at our disposal for rent or loan in the past. However, starting in 2024 we have partnered with Mobility Plus to bring you scooters, powerchairs, and manual wheelchairs for rent. Please contact them in advance with your needs at (859)-523-0993. 

Where can I eat?

The short answer…EVERYWHERE! The newly renovated Lexington Center has a catering company that will offer a variety of food and drink kiosks right there both on the convention floor with even more choices just a short ride down one level on the escalator. We have also arrange food trucks on the Vine Street side when we can.

In the event that “concession stand” food (the kiosks really do have many good options) is not up to your standards, we strongly encourage you to walk across the street to LexLive’s Game Day Sports Bar and check out their offerings. And if you want even more variety: it is the 21st century: Walk outside and Google “restaurants near me” on your phone. Many great choices are within a short walk.

But… and we cannot stress this enough… when you eat at ANY Lexington restaurant be sure to mention that you are in town for The Scarefest Horror and Paranormal Convention.

Can I still buy Scarefest merchandise after the event is over?

Maybe. Maybe not. Much of our Scarefest merchandise is offered as a one-time souvenir item. T-shirts in our current year’s design almost always sell-out down to a few odd sizes. We usually try to pre-sell as much as possible so that we can best gauge what sizes we need, but we always end up with only a couple of sizes left over.

Can I really get a tattoo while I am at the con?

Absolutely! We bring in some the most talented and reputable tattoo artists in the region for The Scarefest. Their booths are carefully and constantly monitored and inspected for cleanliness and health code adherence.

What does my ticket get me into?

All passes get you access to the expo floor and all of our seminars and celebrity panels and Q&A’s. VIP level passes also gain early access to the expo floor. Some off-site or special events may not be included with your ticket. For example: Only VIP level passes get access to our VIP Party. All passes will get you into our film festival screenings. Please watch individual event website postings for clarity.

Where is the closest ATM?

ATMs and cash availability have always been a problem for us, especially since so many celebrities and even some vendors do not accept credit cards. The Center recently added ATMs which will be located around the floor and pre-function areas. The information booths should be able to guide you to them. We hope this helps. 

Do the vendors take credit cards?

Most do nowadays, but some don’t. That is totally up to the individual vendors. Center provided services such as concessions and parking no longer accept cash to add to the confusion.

It’s always a good idea to have extra cash on hand lest that special item eludes you.

Does the convention center accept cash?

Oddly no. The Central Bank Center has a NO CASH policy. While we thinks this is a wildly bad policy – it is what it is. The concessions, parking, and anything else that they control requires using a credit card. 

Where do we park?

That’s a good question and we are darned happy you asked! Lexington KY is not known for it’s availability of visible parking spaces. It’s not that they aren’t there – they just aren’t really marked all that well. In reality there are over 10,000 parking spaces within easy walking distance of the convention center. Eventually the reconstruction of the center will include a convenient parking garage next door. Until that is finished everyone’s first choice is the High Street lot in front of Rupp Arena and the convention center. But since that can get filled up during peak times here are some resources that should help.

Central Bank Center’s Parking Map


Do I have to pay to park?

Welcome to the big city. Yes, most of the downtown public parking has a charge. The convention center parking lot is run by an independent contractor and we have no say in what they charge. 

What is your weapons policy?

Our fans love to get various slashing and pointy objects autographed. If you have ANYTHING that constitutes or can be confused with a real weapon, please check it in with a member of our security and they will instruct you on what you can and can’t do. Usually they will instruct you to keep it wrapped, get it signed, and then return it to your car or hotel room immediately.


Can I bring my (insert animal here)

While our staph is loaded with animal lovers and even some farmers, please understand that a convention hall loaded with thousands of visitors is not the best place for your pet. Most pets are not really into the convention scene anyway. Plus we often have a charity come in that brings a wolf with it and…well you get the picture.


Is there a shuttle to and from the events?

Any off-site event that is part of The Scarefest (excluding Launch events) and too far away for the average person to walk will have shuttle service. 

Where are the shuttles going to off-site events located?

Our shuttles usually start from the pickup/drop-off area in front of the convention center High Street entrance. If this changes one of our Staph will be standing there telling you where to go.

Can kids come to the off-site events?

It depends on the specific event. Some of our parties and events serve alcohol and therefore may be limited to ages 21 and up depending on the venue. Whenever we know of an age limitation we will do our best to post the details on the event’s page ahead of time.