1. Booths must remain intact and manned throughout the hours of the convention and may not be dismantled prior to the closing of the convention. ScareFest will not be held responsible for any issues arising from an unmanned booth during show hours. The loading dock will not be open for breakdown prior to the close of the exhibition room. If you break down your space prior to the end of the show you will be banned from setting up at future shows. Attendees have paid for the ability to shop with Vendors and Exhibitors and expect them to be set up during show hours. By breaking down early you are doing both the attendees and the show a disservice. Please be advised that there are vendors and artists that we will no longer welcome back due to breaking this rule. The show’s management takes this very seriously. It is unfair to attendees, the show, and other vendors to break down early. If you cannot stay until the end of the show, please do not set up.
2. Exhibitors must comply with all local, state, and federal laws, and will not hold management liable for any breaches, losses, or damage to themselves or their property. All exhibitors agree to hold blameless ScareFest Weekend, staff members and workers against any loss, damage, theft, expenses, claims, or actions arising from any personal or property damage, loss or theft due to said exhibitors participation. ScareFest agrees to pay for overnight security in the main exhibit hall.
3. Exhibitor badges are non-transferable. They may not be sold or used as prizes or giveaways. Exhibitor personnel must wear official Show Exhibitor badges at all times during move-in, show days, and move-out. Please do not give Exhibitor Badges to anyone other than your full-time employees and remove all badges from the building when you leave on your last day there. Badges left behind are often abused by unauthorized personnel so do not leave them in your booth or discard them on the floor.
4. Exhibitors are responsible for their booth staff. The exhibitor is responsible for all actions of his or her booth staff or anyone wearing their company exhibitor badge. Exhibitor booth personnel found in violation of policies will be removed, having their badge confiscated. Exhibitor staff misconduct can lead to the removal of the exhibitor from the exhibit floor without a refund. Complaints and/or misconduct will be reviewed on a case by case basis and could lead to immediate removal and inability to vend at future events.
5. All vendors/exhibitors/artists hereby acknowledge that ScareFest is not responsible for and will NOT provide or maintain insurance coverage for vendors/exhibitors persons or property, and it is the exhibiting party’s sole responsibility to obtain insurance covering loss.
6. ScareFest in no way endorses any artists, vendors, exhibitor’s merchandise, exhibits, views, beliefs, or actions. All artists, vendors, exhibitors are deemed to be their own business/entity and in no way reflect the views, beliefs, intentions, and/or direction of ScareFest. Artists, vendors, or exhibitors do not represent ScareFest in any way.
7. All merchandise bought or sold at ScareFest is done strictly between artists/vendors/exhibitors and attendees/buyers, ScareFest is not a party to or responsible in any way for any transactions made between said parties.
8. ScareFest reserves the right to remove any exhibitor we determine a safety risk or that has misrepresented themselves to ScareFest in order to become an Exhibitor. No vendor shall engage in gambling, games of chance or any activity determined to exploit ScareFest attendees.
10. No Bootleg DVDs or CDs. Representatives from various studios will be at the convention. Anyone selling unauthorized merchandise that infringes upon their copyright or licensing agreements (or any other studios) will be asked to leave the show. No refunds will be given if you break this rule and are asked to leave.
11. Food Vendors must be approved prior and all applicable rules of the Convention Center followed.
12. Adult materials must be either behind the table or, if displayed on a table or display rack bagged or covered so that minors may not open it. Any adult material containing nudity must be covered in accordance with local and state laws. Artists/Exhibitors agree not to sell any adult materials to minors.
13. Exhibitors may not display foul language or other offensive slogans, memes, innuendo, or materials in their space. Political propaganda that others may find offensive is prohibited. No symbols of hate or implied symbols of hate will be tolerated. Failure to comply is grounds for removal from the show without refund.
14. Exhibitors may not engage in the sale of live animals at the event.
15. Nudity is NOT allowed in the convention center under any circumstances.
16. No Bingo, Lottery type gaming (or gambling of any sort) is allowed.
17. No Sales Onsite of any guns/firearms.
18. State tax is the responsibility of the artist/vendor to collect according to state laws.
19. No exhibit may be higher than 12’ without prior approval by Central Bank Center. All booth signage should be front-facing only. No exhibit may block or interfere with other exhibits or with the aisle space. Any damage caused to the building or its furnishings by the Artist/Exhibitor is the sole responsibility of the Artist/Exhibitor. If an exhibitor is found to have manipulated their designated space by relocating another exhibitor’s items, etc they will be verbally warned once, if it occurs subsequently then the exhibitor may be asked to leave without refund.
20. Abandoned Property: Any property not removed from the Convention Center that has not been claimed within forty-eight (48) hours following the end of the event will be considered abandoned by the Exhibitor.
21. Exhibitors hereby give permission to be photographed and recorded for any and all future ScareFest use.
22. No Standard Exhibitor is allowed to sublease its space without prior approval from ScareFest. No National Brands may engage in branding or lead generation activities under the proxy of a Standard Exhibitor. Standard wholesaling practices remain ok.
23. Exhibitors/Artists are not permitted to solicit or sell in any part of the convention besides directly in front of their immediate booth/table area.
24. ScareFest reserves the right to change, amend, and add to the rules and regulations of the show at any time. In the event that new rules are added that prevent you from selling your core product, you will be notified and refunded in full.
25. ScareFest reserves the right to immediately terminate any vendor that violates these terms and upon notice the vendor must immediately vacate the premises with all their property.
26. Any vendor raffling an item or selling chances to win an item must adhere to Kentucky Regulation and must be approved prior to the event. Submit requests to [email protected]
CANCELLATION TERMS: Should you (the exhibitor) find that you are not able to attend ScareFest and have already paid for your space, the policy is as follows: A refund will be given – minus a $100 cancellation fee per Exhibitor Booth prior to 8/1/2025, and $75 per Artist Table prior to 8/1/2025. Refund requests after 8/1/2025 will be assessed a $150 cancellation fee per Exhibitor Booth and $100 fee per Artist Table. Exhibitors may be permitted to roll over their booth fees without penalty to the next convention year, however this is solely at the discretion of ScareFest and assessed on a case by case basis.
ScareFest permits Exhibitors to reserve a booth by deposit. All remaining balances are due to be paid in full by 9/1/2025. Any exhibitor that has not paid off their balance by this date and not contacted ScareFest to arrange payment will risk forfeiture of their booth space and applicable cancellation fees. Any vendor that has an open balance at the time of the event will not be permitted to set up.
Copyright 2025 ScareFest Weekend | ScareFest LLC, ScareFest Ink, ScareFest TV, Central KY Mystical Market.